You know what happens when you forget your computer when you go to Canada? You loose your newly regained blogging mojo. But here I am again! Canada was a blast, the hubby and I really enjoyed getting to relax.
Lots of hiking by the ocean |
Before we left I spur of the moment rode in a benefit rodeo at our friend's ranch, the hubby was supposed to go with but he was busy getting ready for our trip, *sheepish grin.* I went to announce and when I got there they put me up on a horse. It was so much fun! Aimee and Alyssa came too and we had all had a great time! We forgot to get a group shot though. Thank you Alyssa for bringing your camera!
Yes I even won a trophy! |
I rode in all the games, like pole bending and the potato race. It was my first time doing anything western other than ponying the races. The mare I rode was lovely, I've heard about her for two years so I was really excited to finally get to meet her and have the privilege of riding her. She is primarily a rope horse, but she was totally willing to deal with my newbiness when it comes to western and by the end we seemed to be communicating pretty well.
Zooming across the finish line |
This used to be one of our race horses! |
Here we have the potato race, there are two tires, one has three potatoes in it. You have to poke each potato and carry it to the other tire, one at a time. More difficult than it sounds.
Poke the potato |
Carry it to other tire |
The goat tying was fun, and a crack up. You gallop down to where our friend (and my farrier) is holding the goat. Jump off the horse and tie a ribbon around the goats tail.
Vroom! |
Can you tell I ride english? #nofootinstirrupdismount |
Hands up to stop the clock after successful tail tying! |
Omg I had so much fun all day! |
At one point we all ran barrels on our own two feet, thank goodness there are no pictures of that! I won my trophy for roping the dummy! The actual ropers didn't participate in that event to give the rest of us a chance.
Don't chuck the rope in the air and dance, doesn't work |
"No this is how" |
#cowgirl |
Booyah, get that cow. |
Smiling so big I look insane |
The last event I participated in was the barrel racing. I was definitely slow, but not embarrassingly so. It was my very first time ever! Misty, the most awesome horse in the world, probably could have done it better without me aboard.
First barrel |
Second barrel |
Third barrel |
Wheee run home! |
So there you have it, my first rodeo! After I was done I got to watch Misty do her thing in the roping, woah she is awesome! I was even more impressed with how quiet she was with me, she gets the hops waiting in the box for the cow to break.
They won! |