Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Playing dress up...and awkwardness:)

So this was the most fun filled horsey weekend in a seriously long time!  It all started with the trail ride I talked about last time and just got better and better from there.  This will probably be a picture heavy post again, but who doesn't love pictures!?
Diva finally seems to be untangling her legs and actually jumping the jumps instead of just going through them.  On Saturday Alyssa came with and took some pictures and then we went out the the 100 acres and she rode Bridger while I took pictures.  It was nice to see him with someone else aboard and other than the same mounting issues he is giving me (glad it isn't just me) he was great.
 Then on Sunday we had the most awesome dress up day with Sprinklerbandit and Alyssa and our buddy Ross with a camera.  We had warm sunshine and smiles all around.  Also there is an amazing contest involving the blue open front boots seen in some of the pictures below, over here.  The boots were fabulous!  Alyssa is part of the OTTB club too, but hers has been fighting a mystery lameness so the cutest QH ever came to play, her name is Vegas.
Squeee so cute!
What a good boy, how cute are they?
Check out the hind end engagement!

Again with the hind end

She looks great, but wtf am I doing?


Enjoying a canter, and a cute fly bonnet
I'm not even a fan of teal and I loved these boots!

Love her!

He captured a sneeze cloud from her, kinda cool

The three amigas!
Then it was girly craft and cooking day/evening with sprinklerbandit and we made creamy tomato and tortellini soup, garlic bacon brussel sprouts, and brownie cookie bars, so yummy.
We decided our fly bonnets needed bling and I have a huge bead collection (used to make jewelry) and wallah:
Navy and pink
Future FEI horse in the making! 
The fun even continued into today with more jumping.
Me trying to not jump ahead

Biggest jump for Diva so far!
Then I was lucky enough to ride C-rage over his first cantering jump:)
He is getting to have such cute knees!
Note here about the tendency to jump ahead on the greenies.  While not classic or great jumping form (and yes I try to nip it in the bud, and it nearly disappears when I am on a more trained horse) I much prefer it to getting left behind and catching the horse in the mouth and on the back.  Too much jumping ahead can lead to rails down, but too much left behind can lead to a horse that shuts down.  Ok off the soap box.  And one more picture because we all need a good laugh!
Bridger throwing in a grand spook, goofy horse went right back to work in a split second.


  1. How did you put the beads on the fly bonnet?! My mom is super crafty and has taken up making crochet fly bonnets for her new grand-pony, but wasn't convinced that she could easily put crystals/beads on the bonnet and make them stay on with regular use.

    P.S. Diva looks AWESOME with those teal boots on!!

    1. Hmm, I used very thick filament (like a super heavy weight fishing line) and finished the ends like a bracelet without adding a clasp and then sewed it on. Maybe I will do a separate post giving detailed instructions:)

    2. Yes please! Miles (and my mother) would be forever grateful!

  2. What a fun day!! And there's no such thing as too many pony pictures!!

    PS- I'd love to have you check out the equestrian blogger FB group I belong to and come introduce yourself :) https://www.facebook.com/groups/153571864852426/

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! She just keeps progressing, fun to dream about:)

  4. Oooh love the beaded fly bonnet! Glad to see the greenies are progressing well!

  5. Sounds like an awesome weekend! And I love the bonnet too.
