Saturday, March 9, 2013

Setting the alarm

Wind.  That's what was up today.  I worked the last two days at the big spring sale at Flynn's Saddle Shop (my side job), it has been a couple of great days for business and it is always fun to catch up with friends.  Bigger news than the sale: 1. Bridger and Sadie finally left with the cowboy today. 2. Horses arrive at the track tonight so chores in the morning.  You may be wondering what this signifies?  No more sleeping until 6 am, nope I will be staring 4:30 am in the face sooner than later.  John and I are taking it easy to start with (6:45 am start at the barn tomorrow).
Here are a few shots of what fun things come with early mornings (thanks to Alyssa, Carrie, and my mom for great shots all from 2012).
Three red heads

Rail birds

Need a shoe?

Zoom Zoom (John in the white helmet)

Me and Tanner's Event, wheeeee!
Well I had better head to bed...early morning (don't forget daylight savings)!

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