Here I sit, wondering what to write? I made some biscuits today and they were pretty tasty, but the recipe still needs some tweaking before I post it. I am trying to recreate the cheddar biscuits at Nick and Jim's (a great BBQ place we frequent when in Aurora, Colorado. So almost but not quite, I will tell you they do involve buttermilk, Yum!!
I am continuing to enjoy the milder weather that we are experiencing here in the Treasure Valley. There is still some snow and ice, and paddocks are starting to look like lakes/quagmires, but it is warm.
Baby Paul and Ricky are off to the cowboy to get started this week. This is something that my husband and I or my husband and John usually do, different plans this year since he is still in SanFran. This cowboy is awesome! The first time I ever saw him was at the track, he was leading a young race horse with a halter and lead rope. Suddenly a horse gets loose on the track and starts galloping down the chute towards the barns where we are (I am on a racehorse at this point), and I'm thinking how is this going to end : / ? *cue some wild west music here* the cowboy lithely swings onto the horse he is leading and gallops onto the track and catches the loose horse! *shock awe shock* No bridle, no saddle, young horse, OMG. Turns out he is a really nice guy as well, one of those people that is more comfortable on the back of a horse than on his own two feet. When he is done with a horse they go up and down mountains, cross rivers, load in trailers, etc etc.
I have also been thinking about some attainable goals this year involving my horses, yes mine. I have the best horses I have ever owned and last year they were all on the back burner due to the racehorses and my client horses, this year no bueno. For Diva I want to hit as much local stuff as I can, I don't really think she needs to travel far and wide since she is only 4. Mojito I want to go to a real deal USEA event towards the end of summer. I haven't been to a USEA event since 2009, where I ran two novice and a training with three OTTB's at Galway. I am itching to get back to it, life has just had the terrible habit of getting in the way. I have competed and worked on my dressage with a lovely Andalusian named AYA Aero, he is an equine knight in shining armor.
Please excuse my tipped forward stance here (posting not sitting this lengthening) |
Sexy beast |
I have been working with this guy since his walk trot days. He is also part of my goals this year since last year was slow for him too, I refuse to spread my self so thin this year that my favorite horses get ignored (this is my true goal for the future).
Signing off for the night with a step forward planned for tomorrow...a pulled mane for miss Diva!