Sunday, February 15, 2015


As promised I have videos for you.
This first one is of Trep and I doing a simple grid several times.  He is huge and I feel like a total shrimp on him, but is was really fun to ride a well trained horse and work on me.  Needless to say I was rather rusty after a winter off from jumping.

Next up is Prisoner and I schooling over a single cross rail.  Thrilling I know.  Either way he stayed very calm and rideable and it was fun to feel his progress on the flat translate to the jumps.

Our final video today is Prisoner and I doing a simple grid and then looping over a single fence.  He got just a bit rushy at the single fence, but was spot on through the grid.  He also throws in a few lovely lead changes and some fails at lead changes.  Overall it was great session, he was confident and jumping well.  I talk about this jump session here: Wings


  1. he's adorable!!! in that first video it seems like he's learning to wait for you a bit, too! what a good boy :)

  2. Great videos! Just curious what the footing is in the first couple of videos? Thinking of building a ring so I'm obsessing about footing that drains well :)

  3. Prisoner definitely looks like he has come a long way with his patience (I wish I learned so quickly). Great videos!

  4. Yay little P-Man! He sure has all the right moves.

  5. Prisoner is so cute! Gah I can't eve handle his cuteness.

  6. I can't get over how freaking cute - not to mention talented! - Prisoner is!
