I am blown away at how time just keeps speeding by. I've resorted to posting from my phone today because by the time I sit at my computer in the evening I fall asleep! Life has been good, I have some great new client horses to ride and have even gotten rides in on my own horses! The track is good too, just tiring. Hopefully Eugene will be home with in the next few weeks (I know I know i keep saying this, but maybe soon it will be true). The weather has been absolutely glorious for the last week, I'm getting spoiled, but no worries it calls for rain today. I am actually thankful for that because things are painfully dry, never a good thing for the first week in April. My back is super sore from a two year old filly trying to rip the flesh off my shoulder, it is healing up thank goodness. Well I'm off and running, horses, school, more horses, sleep.