I don't even know where to start! It has been an insane, but awesome week!
Last Sunday I had a blast doing a jump school on Zida, she is the sweetest mare. I finally experienced her left drift and worked on it a bit at the end. I was also working on her not taking the awkward long spot. It was a lot of riding her hind end towards the bit.
At the track I have continued with a bit of galloping and boy am I sore! I'm looking forward to the middle to end of the coming week when the soreness will dissipate and leave strong muscles behind. I don't have any pictures of me galloping yet, but fingers crossed there will be some tomorrow.
This is from the first year I galloped (thanks mom for the picture) |
I've been snatching a few moments here and there to read all of y'all's updates, seems like the weather is slowly getting better across the country so we can all get back to riding our horses. I was planning to ride Diva this week, but instead she decided to slice her hind leg up on who knows what. She will be fine, and I will probably ride her around at the walk tomorrow, but it is ugly. I've got to throw in a little husband brag here. We were going to bring her a shot of dex tonight to help with the swelling and such, but it turns out we were out (on the list to pickup tomorrow). The hubby still draws up a syringe and I ask what it is, "oh just some adequan (the generic kind) I bet she is sore and it will be good for Mojito too." Just like that, matter of fact, lucky ponies. Also, I was watching hunter derby videos while eating lunch at 3:30pm and he sat down and watched them with me, making comments about their jumping form and such. *swoon*
I did all my usual Gigi and Gus and Gunner riding this week, but frankly I'm too tired to go find photos at the moment.
Thursday was pretty epic in the riding and exhaustion department. I galloped the same red filly that is in the picture in my last post, but this time she didn't have any ace. Talk about two different horses! On ace I could gallop her with one hand, without it she was cantering in place and snorting to go. I got her backtracked and turned around to gallop and thought that if I could hold her for a while she would give it up. I was wrong. I held her down the backstretch and into the turn and she was still pulling so I let her pick up the pace down the lane and then got her pulled up again on the backstretch. OMG I thought I was going to die, not due to speed or anything like that, my muscles just felt like they were made of painful spaghetti. Also it was cold so my lungs were burning and my arthritic hands were stuck in claw shape. OOHFF, not as fit as I thought. Then I rode one more for a different trainer and just trotted as I was still dying a slow and painful death. Then I went and jumped
Courage, promise me not to judge my horrendous position (remember, my muscles almost died an hour earlier and they had not yet resurrected). He was a total rock star! Then I rode Gigi and Gus and my old man Roanie pony. I also did chores all over the place and by the time bed came around I collapsed.
Yesterday was great too, but that is for the next post. I'm still instagramming even when I haven't been on the blog, check it out @redheadlins